Online Resources

Vernier Logger Pro Demo

AP Physics Challenging Concepts Online Class

Modeling Instruction: The premier instructional approach for Physics.

Learn AP Physics:  Multiple Choice Questions with explanations

Next Time Questions: Paul Hewitt Questions

NY Board of Regents MC Q’s: Great Set of MC Q’s


Physics Classroom: The Grandfather of all Physics Ed Websites

Eureka Videos: 5 minute long Canadian PBS Videos

Mechanical Universe Videos: Oldie but still a goodie

Physics for the 21st Century:  Modern version of MU covering current physics.

APlusPhysics Videos: Teacher made videos

TwuPhysics: Flipped Classroom Instruction Videos for 1, 2, & C

Active Physics Lessons:  Knight applet lessons for review

Pretty Good Physics:  Amazing collection of teacher submitted AP Physics resources

PhET:  THE collection of Physics Applets

HTML5 Circuit Construction Kit

Walter Fendt:  Nice collection of Applets from Germany

Falstad:  More Applets

Direct Measurement Videos:  Superb collection of high frame rate videos with overlaid measuring tools.

POGIL AP Physics

___________Ball Re-Bound Video

Arbor Sci:  Great starting point for new Physics Equipment

Julius Sumner Miller Demonstrations:  Slightly grainy videos but VERY engaging.

AP Physics Lectures:  Collection of YouTube video lectures

HTML 5 Physics:  AMAZING new collection of HTML 5 Applets and YouTube Videos, The Physics Aviary

BozemanScience Videos:  Collection of YouTube videos discussing all the Big Ideas in great detail.  Collection of Educational videos which can be taken for graduate credit.

Socrative:  Smart Phones turned into Clickers

Spiral Physics:  Extensive Physics Curriculum

Beyond the FCI:  Other Physics assessment tools

Sci Toys:  Website with mostly P2 homemade ‘toy’ ideas  Good Resource for drawing diagrams for tests and worksheets

Excellent source of notes and videos: : Lots of great Applets  More HTML 5 Applets   Free Practice exams organized randomly and by topic